2010年12月27日 星期一

如果你還沒進CSCO 也許這會是你最後進場機會~ 12/27美股盤前分析

1 則留言:

  1. u wrote that selling at $21 csco will make 50% profit. 
    i bought 10 contracts for $20 july call.  if i am greedy, can i sell 5 contracts when price reach 22 and another 5 contracts at price 24?  of course i expect csco can reach 24 before july 2011.
    or what is conservative to make profit?  like what you write and sell all at $21?
    sorry for asking such questions. 

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:58 PM)

    I can't really answer that for you, you will have to answer that question yourself, if you believe it can reach $22 and $24 by July, then you can do so.  Good thing at least you are giving yourself enough time by buying 2010 July option and not buying front month or next month option where they just decay as time goes by.


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