2010年12月9日 星期四

BAC下跌趨勢今天正式告一段落, 任何拉回我們可做多頭進場持股~ 12/09美股個股盤中分析

8 則留言:

  1. 我也有注意到這支~但已經先賠損了~

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:50 PM)

    其實這要看你的操盤策略, 如果你交易太頻繫, 是否你的持股太大壓力太多, 還是你是以對沖(day trading)為你的操盤策略?其實多學習做波段操盤, 你會發現你的所有問題都能解決喔~SIRI目前在盤整階段, 是我的話我會在SIRI帶量突破$1.45買進

  2. can you tell me what going to happan on fcx ? it will keeping going hight ? (from the news)  I have shore sell at $87 i don't know what do now ?I try to hold but now I feel realy bad
    thank you for your help

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:52 PM)

    why would you short a strong stock like FCX? don't you know shorting have unlimited risk and you can lost more than everything you have?I recommend you really get out of your short position on any kind of stock price pullback, currently the stock price pattern are still good and it can go much higher.please take your time and money to study technical analysis book or classes, I hate to see people to do risky things and if you don't know what you are doing, this is no difference from going to Las Vegas and piss all your fortune away.  Sorry if I am been harsh on you, but it just hurts me to see things like this happen, shorting a strong stock with no stop is the worse combination you can do....

  3. can you till me what is nexy pull back line .? thank you  i wish can cut down the lost because I have lot stock , i know I am wrong i feel bad


    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:52 PM)

    I am sorry to hear what happened, 我也不知道你怎麼7月才學做股票, 在什麼都不懂的情況下還去做無限風險的股票賣空, 許多人因為連停損都不會, 一次的錯誤就將一生積蓄就"賭:掉了.  你的"理由"認為股市會掉都是個人期許與偏見, 跟你今天看到下雨股市應該會跌沒什麼兩樣~ 看到你這種故事真的讓我很心痛, 當初那個網站也太扯了, 強烈股票還教人放空, 但是你的亂操亂賠行為更是不可長.  說真的, 是我的話, 星期一開盤我就直接出來, 了斷我的錯誤與痛苦. 但是如果你真的要股價, 那我給你兩個:1. 如果股價有拉回到$107.50-$108而掉不太下去, 那你就應該要出場2. 如果股價突破$114新高時你也要出來, 因為到時股價會飆的更高祝你好運也希望你真的從這次得到教訓

  5. dear  宗翰 instructor,
    sorry, i didnt finish read all the pages you posted online and i try to read as much as i can.  i didnt attent your class neither.
    i didnt know how do you set your target?  because some time, it looks like 10% but sometime is 25%. 
    ie. 10% for x. 50 >55>60
    i bought at 57.5.  bad timing
    for bac, i guess 1st target is 13.5 and 2nd target is 15.  (am i applied correct?) 
    the worst thing is i bought at $14.60.  any suggestion for my case.  thank you.
    i also follow your option strategy on csco, 20 july call.  i hope  i should spend more time on option. 
    but i find out selling cover call didnt make much money.  eg, bought 2000 shares of bac and sell 20 contracts.  only make $20 within one month.  that means spend 22000 to gain 20 premium and assume the stock didnt reach strike price.

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:51 PM)

    i don't use percentage to set my target, all target should be set based on chart analysis, it seems like you are not entering and buying it at right entry price, getting in at good entry price is half of profiting success.  Regarding BAC, $13.50 and $15 seems reasonable for short term investor and trader, but I can see you are very focus on "technical analysis" (but your entry technique might need to work on it) instead of focus on "strategies", if you are only collecting $20 for 20 contracts, you are not doing it right with cover call at all!  Feel free to look though blog article, but this blog are only intend to create trading ideas, there is a difference when you take any trading course and learn "system" trading instead of getting "ideas" here and there. Strongly encourage you to focus on stock and option strategies.

  6. 請問宗翰 這一波 你覺得 BAC第一與第二目標價為何?

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:51 PM)

    看你是以操盤角度來是以投資角度, 但重點是趨勢線一定要是明確上漲, 以短期來講 $14與$15都是壓力區, 也就是第一與第二目標價相對如果是以投資角度, BAC明年下半年有機會回到$18-$19區域

  7. 此則為私密回應

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:51 PM)


  8. i was looking this stock, bac since 2 weeks ago.  i set lower buyin price than current price  but it kept up and up.  today it reached $14 already.  how much should i set the buyin price before it reach the 2nd target?  one week ago, if it drop to 13.25, i set the buyin price 13.05.  of course, it didnt work since bac kept around 13.25 whole week.
    base on your recent article, i am waiting the market drop and buyin some blue chips.  i bought csco last week at $20.30 and now waiting for bac at lower price.
    by the way, where i should learn the trading tech instead of self learning online?  do you know any brokerage and trading firms teaching trading tech and option in new york city?  thank you very much.

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:51 PM)

    First of all, $13 was past resistant but once is broken the price become support, when price kept around $13.25 for whole week, it tells you buyers are stepping in and that was the short term support.  You need to see BAC as more long term investment and stop fight for if you can buy few pennies lower.  Currently $14 is short term resistant but once BAC can break that, it can head higher.  Right now the new support is $13.50, but I recommend you start scale in when is around $13.70 or so.  If you want to look for course, you can look into optionetic or online trading academy.


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