停損價該在哪裡? when i read this question, i think i will draw a slope line (support & resistance) from the chart. however, it didnt work. i am learning how do you guys get the stop out price. how come up 51? 1. from atr(14): 50.3 + .681 = 50.981 round up 51 .681 from the atr chart 2. 2:1 ratio, gain: 50-48 = 2 stop out 50+1=51. look like 2:1 ratio is more simple. i interpret this way. thanks instructor john.
版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:51 PM)
sorry replied so late, miss read this section's post~regarding drawing support and resistant line, is like forensic science, you will do your standard protocol for example 1-10, and only pick up valuable and significant evidences, $51 stop out price on this one is more of estimate based on risk:reward ratio, this is because this ETF is at new high, there are no previous reference point to use as resistant point, and since our target is at $48, which is $2 profits, thus using $51 as stop is reasonable to fulfill 2:1 ratio. Further, $50 is the resistant level, and if this ETF reaches $51, we can also indicate it's a obvious breakout thus stop out from bearish side.
From ATR, $51 stop out ? Is it too tight?
回覆刪除版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:50 PM)
$51 is reasonable, makes profit and lost 2:1
but I would not just solely hold on to EEM, this is to used as hedge for my long term bullish position~
回覆刪除版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:51 PM)
一般來說, 如是超短線(只想hold1-2天)的用昨天的資訊是ok, 但是我會以昨天當日"最高價"為停損. 利用昨天收盤價比較是給短線(hold 5-10天)的操作手法. 我喜歡"隨著價格作移動性停損,以確保獲利", 但其實也不要設的太緊與瞭解自己進場的目的~ 如我是用來做我多頭持股的對沖,與市場還沒有明確下跌訊號, 只是"超漲"+靠近壓力區, 那我停損其實會放在$51, 給它點空間跑. 如果你常被停損掉, 有可能就是設的太緊, 建議降低持股, 然後用更長線的圖來尋找大一點的停損, 這樣一來解決常被停損掉問題, 風險也沒有增加.
$50到$48是4%, 那停損是否應該更窄?, 若以3%來停損..51.5??
回覆刪除版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:51 PM)
停損價該在哪裡? when i read this question, i think i will draw a slope line (support & resistance) from the chart. however, it didnt work.
回覆刪除i am learning how do you guys get the stop out price.
how come up 51?
1. from atr(14): 50.3 + .681 = 50.981 round up 51
.681 from the atr chart
2. 2:1 ratio, gain: 50-48 = 2
stop out 50+1=51.
look like 2:1 ratio is more simple.
i interpret this way. thanks instructor john.
版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:51 PM)
sorry replied so late, miss read this section's post~regarding drawing support and resistant line, is like forensic science, you will do your standard protocol for example 1-10, and only pick up valuable and significant evidences, $51 stop out price on this one is more of estimate based on risk:reward ratio, this is because this ETF is at new high, there are no previous reference point to use as resistant point, and since our target is at $48, which is $2 profits, thus using $51 as stop is reasonable to fulfill 2:1 ratio. Further, $50 is the resistant level, and if this ETF reaches $51, we can also indicate it's a obvious breakout thus stop out from bearish side.
Hi, John, 除了停損點外,停利點該如何掌握呢?以這例子來看目標價是48,但他有可能在47.5就止跌,也有可能超過48,一直到46 or 45,我們該如何來處理這問題才能擁有利潤又可以比免損失呢?
回覆刪除版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:51 PM)
很簡單啊, 你可以在$48出一半持股獲利, 如持續下跌你就讓它獲利繼續跑, 有時你就是會遇到全壘打, 光是那一半獲利就很驚人棒球最終的勝利往往都是好的持守與許多安打+偶而的全壘打形成的不是嗎?
John 老師,
回覆刪除請問老師如何看Google 近日的走勢? 似乎走弱,也似看強... 我真的給它弄得頭暈了, 看530 to 570 的範圍是否恰當?
Earnings 前的它又應該如何佈局和減少資本的浪費?
版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:50 PM)
有幫你貼圖了喔~ 我建議不要玩earning啦 真的要玩可能也是等星期四收盤前, 有什麼較遠的的call 或 put option花個不到$1來玩, 不過這是正宗的賭博行為喔