2011年4月6日 星期三

誌友問..."當資金少時, 如何可以依然做CSCO持股?"

由於CSCO的佈局算是長期投資, 而在過去幾個禮拜的股價震盪變小, 長期選擇權(LEAP Option)的權利金變得非常合理與值得去持有它.  當資金少時, 我建議誌友可以買進 CSCO Jan 2013 $17.50的Call Option, 這樣的花費只要$2.60, 也就是一張選擇權 $2.60x100=$260 
我想$260讓我們持有到2013年也算非常值得了,  我們的打平價為 $17.50+$2.60=$20.10, 也就是說理論上只要從現在到2013年的一月前, 股價能到$20.10之上, 我們都是獲利的. 如果我們的目標價為$25, 那手上這張選擇權價值最少為 $25-$17.50=$7.50, 也就是$7.50-$2.60(成本)= $4.90獲利, 而從百分比的角度為$4.90/$2.60=188%獲利

2 則留言:

  1. 請問dell W底的進場時機?

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:49 PM)


  2. can people wait that long even the profit is double? 
    in my optinion, i think 3 to 5 years are long period but time flies.  my july csco option is coming since i bought last year.
    thanks  instructor john.

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:50 PM)

    owning a 2013 leap option don't mean you have to own it till 2013 , if that's the case, stocks never expired, we would be holding on it forever~these are just vehicles we utilize, I like to use this leap is because i like the premium valuation and if stock price drop to get stop out, the premium don't drop as much.July Option is fine too, as long as is not front month option (less than 30 days)


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