2011年2月1日 星期二

AMD出現不錯的突破 UCO可先1/2獲利出場 BAC今天持續突破~ 02/01美股盤中分析

3 則留言:

  1. why the date in the chart shows 2010?  the comments look recently. 

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:21 PM)

    which chart? its all up to date.

  2. sorry.  may be i misread the date in each chart.
    i saw 10-5-2010 on amd chart and the rest show 4-2010.  i guess those date are the beginning of the chart.
    i try to sell amd feb 8 put in virtual option account.  i find out the ask price is 17 cents instead of 22 cents .  thats why i think the chart is old.  my bad.

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:22 PM)

    no worries

  3. other question/comment:
    you sell amd put and collect the premium because you think amd go sideway within this 2 weeks and wont drop under $8.
    for me, i think that buying amd and sell at $9.  however, only make 75 cents profit but hold alot of money. 
    this is benefit and leverage of option.  moreover, the logic of which method to make the money.
    your way is smarter than mine.  thanks for sharing and i am learning.

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:46:22 PM)

    is always give and take, when you do nake put strategy, you are limited to only make the premium you collect, which is $0.22. However, this also bring down your cost and risk down to $8-$0.22=$7.78 plus it wont take up much of your capital.


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