2010年6月25日 星期五


我的投資組合是以賣選擇權收取權利金為主, 買賣股票為副, 多頭與空頭持股都有, 重點以讓選擇權無效過期, 賺取全部的權利金為目的~  賣選擇權讓你有空間在方向上犯錯, 只要股價不漲或跌超過你賣的股票價位, 你是可以100%獲利的.  當然我看到好的股票線形佈局我也會進場, 不過在指數下跌趨勢時, 被停損掉機率還是比較高, 如最近的HOS與C個股.  有太多人往往賺錢或賠錢後, 就一直趕著找新的股票來操作, 不過, 大家要了解, 被停損出來不代表你不能再進同一個個股, 只要線形上成立, 是可以再進場的~

3 則留言:

  1. 此則為私密回應

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:44:12 PM)


  2. 請問賣選擇權 最晚要在結算日之前多少天平倉 否則就變成買股票或賣股票 謝謝

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:44:14 PM)

    美股選擇權可以等到最後選擇權到期最後一天, 也就是每個月的第3個星期五收市前平倉就不會被執行(買或賣股票).  但要注意的是, 如果你是賣方, 而你賣的選擇權在價內(in the money), 在靠近選擇權到期日時, 只要有買方要執行他們的選擇權, 你是有機會(雖然機會偏向小)被要求履行你的義務.

  3. my long term strategy is gain the premium as weekly income.  however, after reading your blog and other reference books, there are many materials to learn and study.  even you can point out i focus more on techinical analysis.  now i know i should focus on when to buyin and sell the stocks. 
    i use finviz, nasdaq, yahoo finance, fool as my stock screen references.
    recently i try to look for stocks which has 50 ma pass over the 200 ma....ie xing, hrbn after bought some, i have not set the sell price.  (still dont know that skill yet.)
    my last comment is that waiting the contracts expired and gain the premium is painful. 
    i dont know how long i take to gain the premium as investment like you.  thank you for all your reply.
    ps i saw your another stock/option portfolio in some of your articles but now i cant find it.  can u tell me which page?

    版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:44:14 PM)

    when to buy or sell stock is also part of technical analysis, but I don't think you are learning it right, or at least complete system of technical analysis, feel like you try to pick up tips here and there, because waiting for 50 to cross 200 is too late to get in on good entry, you should study the relationship with 10 and 20 day ma also.  Learning trading and consistent to gain profits is a journey, make sure you learn some kind of SYSTEM TRADING, you will benefit more from it.The link you want is http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tpliblog/article?mid=3762&prev=3770&l=a&fid=17


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