舉例, 如果我們預期這個周股市將出現大幅度的趨勢走勢(不管上漲還是下跌), 我們買進(QID為2x空頭QQQQ的ETF) QID 11月 $13的Call Option ($0.61)+ $13 Put Option($0.47), 成本為 $1.08, 也就是當新的趨勢出現後, 不管是Call Option或Put Option一方的權利金必須漲超越$1.08才能開始獲利. 舉例提醒, 如果趨勢往下出現大跌, 你Put Option賺錢的同時, 你依然可以將賠錢的Call Option賣掉, 減低你的成本
Straddle選擇權策略是屬於"投機"策略, 也就是你多空兩邊都壓進, 期許股價出現"大幅度"的動作, 使自己單方面的獲利遠超過自己雙方面的成本. 這樣的佈局不是大賺就是大賠, 如果股價如預期出現大幅度動作, 往往獲利程度是可以達到100%甚至更多. 相反, 當股價沒有出現這樣的走勢, 你將面臨你所買進的Call與Put Option"都賠錢". 以實際操作來講, 你的獲利與停損是以上面上來算取, 不是以股價技術分析!
也就是說, 我們可以為QID佈局預定獲利為$1.50, 只要任何一方達到$1.50我們就獲利出場.
回覆刪除how do you come up $1.50? is base on $1.08 and want to make 40% profit?
回覆刪除another question, if the option didn't reach $1.5 next day, should we wait the option reach $1.5?
版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:39 PM)
$1.50-$1.08= $0.42(net profit)/$1.08(cost) = 38.88% profitit really depends, if the market continue to move in the breakout side (no matter is up or down), you can either let it ride on the profit side and close the losing side.$1.50 was a project on my part, you can close it anytime as long as there's profit or when you see market didn't move at all and close both side to avoid loses
more question:
回覆刪除if i want to use same strategy to buyin hgsi, when should i buyin the straddle? fda report will post dec 9 2010. thank you for reply.
the lowest price/premium is 4.43 open (bid) for short straddle while comparing strike price at $25. i guess i should pick the lowest premium for investment.
版主回覆:(01/26/2012 05:45:40 PM)
there 2 ways to do it, you can do it now and let's say if stock price move up because people anticipate the release on the fda report in the next 2 weeks, once you see your net profit is up, you should close it for profit before the report, the reason why is if the report came out negative, you will not only lost money on your put option, whatever you gain on your call option will gave it back also. second way to do it is buy in the straddle right before the earning date, this way you can have more accurate move. To be caution! you need to calculate your breakeven point and make sure the stock have the ability to move that much, for example if your total cost is $4, and the stock price is right at $25 (for example), you have to make sure the stock have to either drop below $21 or up at least $29 for you to make profit.